Copying Batches

You can copy any journal batch, either to repeat common transactions or to make correcting entries.

Access General Ledger

1. From the Main Menu screen, click JEs. The Browse Batches screen appears with all open batches displayed in a table.

Select Batch to Work With

2. Select to view open or posted batches and select how you want to order the batch table from the ordered by drop-down list, enter the search criteria in the search for field and click GO. The first batch to match the criteria will be highlighted in the table.
3. Select and highlight the batch you want to work with, click on the toolbar, and then select "Copy Batch." The Clone Batch Processing screen opens.

Specify Batch Details

4. Enter a description for the batch (the description will remain the same as the selected batch unless a new description is entered).
5. Enter transaction date of the new, copied batch (defaults to today’s date).
6. Choose the option for setting the amounts of the JEs in the new batch: Zero, Reverse, or Keep the Same.
7. If necessary, uncheck the checkboxes of a specific journal voucher or group of journal vouchers to NOT include in the copy. By default, ALL journal vouchers will be copied along with the batch.

Hint: Click to check all checkboxes; click to uncheck all checkboxes.

8. Click OK to apply your changes and copy the batch.The Browse Batches screen appears again with the newly copied batch displayed at the top of the table.

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